ISC's Rich Hattier - Single Rope Work Positioning Class
Friday, October 05 2018, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM [EST]
Rich ,the International Safety Components (ISC) North American Sales Manager, has more than 25 years invested in Arboriculture as a production climber, commercial tree service business owner, and safety trainer. In 2006 Rich shifted gears away from production tree climbing to the design, manufacture, and distribution of Arborist Climbing Equipment. In 2014 Rich signed on with ISC Wales to operate as their North American Sales Manager responsible for all height disciplines. Rich became an ISA Certified Arborist in 1993, an ISA Certified Climber Specialist in 2000, and currently holds Certifications as a SPRAT Level 1 Technician, Competent Tower Climber and Rescuer, Confined Space Rescue Technician, Trauma at Height Technician, Global Wind Power Technician, and Technical Vertical Rescue L3 (Brazil).
Class Outline:
- Planning the tree and initial set up
- Identify tree
- Pick high central branch union for TIP
- Throwball use to set line
- Advancing the climbing line
- Use of cambium saver or pulley
- DdRT Ascent
- Hip Thrust
- Footlock
- Single Rope (Ascent Only)
- DdRT Work Positioning
- Working with hitch
- 2:1 Return on efforts
- Angles to TIP
- Redirects
- Dynamic Forces
- Introduction to SRWP
- Example of why you may want to consider learning and using SRWP
- 3 issues that you will need to get used to with SRWP
- Setting up to climb with SRWP
- Basal Anchors
- TIP Anchors
- Planning and Working the Tree
The following CEU's Have been added to the class.
- Speaker(s): Rich Hattier
- Certified Arborist: 8
- Utility Specialist: 8
- Municipal Specialist: 8
- BCMA - Science: 0
- BCMA - Practice: 8
- BCMA - Management: 0
- TW Climber Specialist: 8
- TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 8